To say the mental health and stress cost of COVID 19 is reaching gargantuan proportions is still a massive understatement.
On the back of young sportswoman Jacinda Barclay losing her battle with mental health, we discuss the signs to look for in ourselves and others as stress begins.
Being able to identify and ACT when anxiety or guilt strikes instead of waiting for overwhelm and helplessness to be the cue is a major step forward.
Having the courage to ask “how you are … really”, especially when body language, tone of voice and other cues are present.
If you are in an organisation that would benefit from Damian sharing his “Crack Your Stress Code” presentation, then please contact Damian via
If you are wanting to receive Marcus’s upcoming debut book, Exceptional: Make The Rest Of Your Life The Best Of Your Life, you can pre-order it here.
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
The post 100NO 395: Stress and mental health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.